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Saturday 23 May 2015

Exams, exams, exams!

So currently countless people are within exam season - eeeek, scary. Oh, exams. Where do I start? The revision, the pressure, the waiting around, I just can't cope properly! Many people have this problem, whether it's "end of year tests", GCSE exams or A-Levels, all can be very daunting. So the feeling...

The feeling is horrible! The stomach turning, the head spinning unknown terror that fills your head, walking into a hall surrounded by chairs and singular desks... It just seems like a whirlpool of water that you're eventually going to drown in. The endless panicking and being unable to breathe - it's a brilliant way to start off an exam, right? (IT REALLY ISN'T!)

Being the overly pessimistic person I am, I can't take you through good studying tips and try to work my magic into decreasing your endless road to stress. Instead, how about some BAD study tips?

  1. Worry about everything, every little thing! It all has the power to make you fail.
  2. Believe you're going to fail, because after all, you're going to fail.
  3. Sleep with your textbook under your pillow and the knowledge will magnificently be absorbed while you sleep.
  4. Spend an hour straightening your hair the morning of an exam, even if you're a guy.
  5. Get sick the week before an exam! If you catch something really bad, you could become delusional which will ease your stress levels.
  6. Use your own blue pen to write with instead of a black one. The examiner will be impressed by your rebellion against society and will surely mark you higher!
  7. Sleep deprivation. Stay up all night the day before your exam - you can just drink numerous cups of coffee/energy drinks and beat the exhaustion.
  8. Finally, eat your notes and be amazed when knowledge is assimilated directly into your bloodstream!
So I know it's probably a blogger-taboo to leave your blog for so long but I pinky swear, it'll be back and flowy as ever after my last exam! Illnesses, exams, limited time - the outside world has doomed us all but like my pal, Van Gogh here, let's be positive. Best of luck to everyone taking exams, they'll soon be over and the sweet summer adventures will be amongst us!

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