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Friday 26 June 2015

Caitlyn Jenner

Honestly, Caitlyn Jenner is possibly one of the bravest people in modern media today. It takes a lot to stay true to yourself in this day and age, especially if you are somebody who is under constant scrutiny by papparazi and media every waking moment. Celebrities are often driven to extreme diets, drugs or, in the case of Britney Spears, even severe breakdowns because of their requirement to uphold a certain standard every second of every day. Yet Caitlyn stuck to her wishes and finally became the person that she wanted to be. She did it despite the backlash and hatred she may have received from her transition, and she did it in full view of her fans, family and the entire world. To tell your family is one step, but to transition in front of the whole world is absolutely remarkable.

Which brings me to rant about the disrespect towards Caitlyn's decision. I am sick and tired of seeing people who purposely use the wrong pronouns when talking about Caitlyn, or claim that they're "still calling her Bruce." It is the 21st Century, 2015 to be exact, why do we still live in a world where some people still can't get their head around someone else's transition? You, yourself are not going through the struggles Caitlyn or her family are going through, so the LEAST you could do is have some respect. I understand Bruce Jenner was an American hero and still is. Only now, under a new identity. Caitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman who has clearly struggled her whole life regarding her identity, and now that she has the courage to be true to not only herself, but everyone around her, people can't help but find fault in that. 

Caitlyn being so open about her transition should be seen as inspiring, not only to the trans/LGBT community, but also the CIS community too. Caitlyn promotes nothing but being true to yourself, and to me that is admirable. Furthermore, the celebrities who think it's okay to be so openly ignorant about the whole situation are unbelievable. You would think they, of all people would know better. Why would someone who knows of their impact upon young people promote such behaviour? Regardless of your beliefs, you should find it in you to be a decent human being and treat her with the respect she deserves. If you can't find it in you to accept the situation for what it is, do not comment at all. It is not our lives to live therefore not our place to make any kind of judgement.

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